Opening Sequence

Preliminary Exercise

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

Our production company is Greentree Productions, this production company specialises in indie films, it is a UK base company and works on a low budget.

Our distributing company is DBD, this is also a UK based company and specialises in horror films. Horror films are popular with young adults so they were perfect for our film.

These two company have a partnership, Greentree pays DBB to distribute their films and DBD uses its reputation to secure many cinemas for showing. This type of bond is common in the media industry, when different platforms come together. A real example of this is Dreamworks and paramount. They worked together to distribute the film ‘Paranormal Activity’ this film like ours was also a horror film on a low budget and they used their experience and reputation to sell the film.

As our film is aimed at young adults we had to think hard about how it will be distributed. We decided as it is a low budget we would use Facebook and Twitter and count on word of mouth, we also put some film trailers on TV channels popular with teenagers and young adults, these were MTV and E4. This is similar to paranormal activity who also decided to put trailers on these channels.