Opening Sequence

Preliminary Exercise

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular groups?

The first group our media product represnts i gender groups, it has a very strong represntation of both males and females. The male group is represnted by the villain, he is a very conventional man, he shows sign of dominance as he is the one who has imprisoned the girl and he is the one who is clearly in charge. Also he shows signes of being a normal man, he has a normal job as though he is working for his family, this may be a clue of how he sees his victims, he could think that he needs to look after the girls.

this is the type of image we were looking for with our girl:

Our girl is also a conventional female, she has no power in her relationship with her capturer and she reacts like a typical girl. She is very emotional with her screaming and crying. Also her make-up and hair and clothes choice is very girly, this is because we wanted to try and make it look like she was an average girl.

Our opening sequence also focuses on OCD, it represents OCD in a bad way, this is abnormal for the media to represent a mental disability in a bad light. It is clear that the villain in our sequence has OCD, he does everything by fours and if he makes a mistake he does it again, it is represented badly as he comes across as very weird, he walks around with a blank look in his face and he doesn’t seem to think twice about keeping a girl locked in his shed.

this is the type of image we went for with our man: