Opening Sequence

Preliminary Exercise

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Research on Title

I wanted to make sure i planned and reseached our title perfectly so it made sense and it had a link to our film. To do this we did research on some professional horror films titles, we focused on three different horror films.

The first i focused on was 'Hannibal', 

 This title has a strong link to its film, firstly it is the first name of the main character Hannibal Lector, who is the main focus of the whole series of films. The second link it has to the film is it rymes with the word Cannibal. This is an important word as it is the theme of all the films, Doctor Lector is a cannibal and in many of the films he performs act of cannibalism and violence. 

The second film i focused on was another of the Hannibal series, the title is 'Hannibal Rising;, 

This is different to the first title as the first title i looked at was focusing on the name of the main character, this is common with many films for example the Harry Potter films and Marley and Me. However this second film focuses on the theme of the film, it is all about Hannibal Lector growing up (rising). This is a not so common tactic used in films titles one example is 'The Great Escape'.

The final film title i investigated is a completely different type of film, i looked at Mean Girls,

The title of this film is never actually mentioned in the film, it is not anyones name it is not describing an event, however it is not completely abstract. This is also commonly used, it is describing someones feelings or character. An example of a title of a film that uses this tactic is 'Shallow Hal', it is describing the main characters character which is the same with 'MeanGirls'.


Concluding Note
When we come to make a decision on what type of tactic we would use when considering our film title, after my research i think we should use the third tactic, we have decided to make a horror film and in my opinion a horror films title should be abstract as we don't want to give a lot of the plot away.